Past Editions
We'll see the challenges faced when trying to implement a proof of concept #GUI of a system inspired by #Qt Quick 2 in #Rustlang using WebGPU for cross-platform #GPU access.
I am a 22-year-old South African who has recently completed his bachelor's degree in electronic engineering and started working as a software engineer at KDAB.
I was particularly intrigued by the GPU-centric approach taken by QtQuick 2, which is why I now want to play with the idea of building something similar in Rust.
We'll see the challenges faced when trying to implement a proof of concept #GUI of a system inspired by #Qt Quick 2 in #Rustlang using WebGPU for cross-platform #GPU access.
RustLab is a conference made by Develer.
Develer is a company based in Campi Bisenzio, near Florence. Our motto is : "Technology to give life to your products". We produce hardware and software to create exceptional products and to improve industrial processes and people's well being.
In Develer we have passion for the new technologies and we offer our clients effective solutions that are also efficient, simple and safe for the end users. We also believe in a friendly and welcoming environment where anybody can give their contribution. This passion and this vision are what we've been driven to organize our conference "made by developers for developers".